The Firewood stack is a wonderfull source of inspiration for many of my artworks....
This is a way of presenting an outback scene with a foreground. This photo shows...
Chillingham in Northern NSW has magnificent tall palm trees throughout the area. While parked at...
The scribbles on the Australian Scribbly gums tell fabulous stories. In this case they presented...
The scribbles on the Australian Scribbly gums tell fabulous stories. In this case they presented...
The original image was that of a very old piece of mouldy firewood.The colour and...
The texture and colour of the bark of this tree depicts the outback scene. By including...
This is a scene seen on the bark of a scribbly gum. By rotating the original...
The texture on a very old dead tree forms the background setting for the typical Australian...
As seen in the colour and texture of a piece of split firewood. The sun...
As seen in the colour and texture of a piece of split firewood. The sun...
The peeling bark on many Australian eucalyptus trees reveal endless stories not requiring any explanation...
"Cockatoo's waterhole".As seen in driftwood found on the beach in New Zealand. NOTE: A copy...
Walking through the streets and parks of Canberra, The attractive bark was too good to...
Surrounding the lake side cabin, is a view created by the bark on an Angophora...
Texture and colours on the bark of trees are the beginnings of my artworks. Just...
Texture, colours, and line work on the bark of scribbly gums are the beginnings of all...
I was asked once if I had a piece of artwork with a musical theme....
Walking along our road one morning the colour and texture of the bark on a...
Walking through the bush, admiring the stand of grey gums, I noticed one that stood...
Gum trees have also sorts of shapes and textures on the bark. This tree with...
This tree had very definite markings which resembled a dogs head. It only needed some...
The colour and texture, shadow and sunlight on the bark of this old birch tree at...
Splitting firewood can be surprising and rewarding. This piece revealed startling colours and imposing image...